Unify Cleaning Service

Professional House Cleaning Company

Unify Cleaning Services provides carpet cleaning, bond cleaning, end of lease cleaning, office cleaning, rug cleaning, mattress cleaning and many more over 10 years in Melbourne and surrounding area. We are known as a leading bond cleaning service provider, and specialize in offering excellent cleaning facilities for residential apartments and homes, commercial units, professional estates and public organizations. We manage our task with full compliance and schedule everything in a chronological order. We let our actions and performances speak for us rather than promising our clients about how we can wipe-clean their premises. magine coming home after a long day to a place that’s clean, orderly, and welcoming. 

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services Melbourne

Unify Cleaning Services is a top choice for over a decade! Our skilled and experienced carpet cleaners use the latest techniques and equipment to provide high-quality and affordable services to homes and businesses across Melbourne. As a local company, we are committed to delivering exceptional customer satisfaction and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Our skilled team uses the latest equipment and techniques to deep clean your carpets and remove stubborn stains and odors. We know that every carpet is different, so we provide customized cleaning solutions to fit your specific requirements and budget. You can trust us to deliver exceptional results every time.

So, if you’re looking for a reliable and affordable carpet cleaning company in Melbourne and the Surrounding area, choose Unify Cleaning Services. We guarantee that you won’t be disappointed with the results. Contact us today to schedule your next carpet cleaning service.\

Bond Cleaning


Are You Vacating Your Rental Home Or Wish To Prepare Your Property For Sale? Well, we identify with your cleaning needs, when you think of leaving your rental property or just think of preparing it for sale. We also understand how important it is to clean and check every corner of the house before leaving it. You do not want your landlord to seize all the money just because you had no time to sustain the cleanliness of the home.

We are Exit Clean, one of the leading companies that offer the quality bond cleaning services in Melbourne. We provide an extensive checklist of all the activities that you will get once you reach us for our services. Our aim is to reduce the stress of all those hectic cleaning activities. With us, you need not to spend hours in scrubbing and mopping the home.

So, just relax and allow Unify Cleaning Services to sparkle up your homes with our Bond cleaning services in Melbourne. We offer professional bond cleaning services that will clean your rental property like never before!


We guarantee that we’ll clean your carpets or bond cleaning to your complete satisfaction

We take great pleasure in our carpet cleaning services and genuinely care about your satisfaction. That’s why we offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. We will return to clean your carpets or furniture at no additional cost until you are fully satisfied with the outcomes of our carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, or bond cleaning services. In addition to exceeding your expectations, our staff is committed to giving you excellent service. Choose us for the best cleaner in Melbourne and the peace of mind that comes with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Why Choose Unify Cleaning Services?

We take great pride in providing the highest quality Carpet Cleaning service, end of lease cleaning services, Bond Cleaning, House Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning service in Melbourne, value our clients and put a lot of effort into fulfilling our commitments. We are the Top-rated Cleaning Company in Melbourne. Our “Bond Cleaning Services” and “House cleaning services” come with a 100% Bond Back Guarantee.

A 100% Bond Back Guarantee we are offering with both our house cleaning and bond cleaning services. You are important to us. We have what you require here. Your cleaning requirements we satisfy thanks to our customized cleaning service solutions.

Expert Cleaners

To ensure that we deliver the best cleaning services to our clients, we make sure that every one of our cleaners is well-trained and has a lot of experience.

Affordable Pricing

Providing the most affordable cleaning services is our goal. We use simplified cleaning procedures that are effective to keep your costs to a minimum. There is no need to search further if you’re looking for the end of lease cleaning Melbourne’s most reasonably priced cleaners.

On-time Service

We value the time you spend with us. Our cleaners would arrive on time, complete the task as planned.

100% Bond Back Guarantee

When you use our expert bond cleaning/exit cleaning service, we guarantee that you will receive 100% of your bond back.

Hassle-free Service

Our business and workers are fully approved by Australia Police. Also our business is insured for up to $20,000,000 so you can leave your cleaning job to us in peace of mind.

No Contracts

We have no reason to ask for your commitment because we’re confident that you’ll love the work we provide.

Exceptional Customer Service

We value you, our customer. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality customer service every time; our service is detailed, efficient and reliable.
