Bond Cleaning

Bond Cleaning Melbourne

At Unify Cleaning Services we offer a range of bond cleaning services for both the commercial or residential lease holder. Our qualified Melbourne bond cleaners use the latest equipment and Non-toxic products for bond cleaning to deliver a superior clean leaving your home or office space in prime condition. Our Melbourne bond cleaners are well trained, skilled and professional. Our Melbourne bond cleaners are known as the best bond cleaners in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs in Melbourne area.

Our specialties are: Bond Cleaning Melbourne, Domestic Cleaning, Office Cleaning Melbourne, Domestic Window Cleaning Melbourne, Spring Cleaning, Complete Home Cleaning, Window Cleaning Melbourne, Melbourne Bond Cleaning, Pressure Cleaning, Rubbish Cleaning etc.

Whether you are a tenant looking for end of lease cleaning or a landlord looking for staging the property, we understand your need and provide the best possible cleaning solutions. Our bond cleaners in Melbourne are extensively trained in covering every hard-to-reach surface and put their best foot forward to honor our 100% Bond Back Guarantee. We keep your specific instructions in mind while following the industry benchmarks for end of lease cleaning.

We assist landlords and real estate agents in preparing the property for lease for the new tenant. Our bond cleaners are well-versed in creating hygienic and sparkling living and office spaces that are apt for families and businesses, respectively. Our cleaning assistance helps the property owners to impress the potential tenants and get the premises ready for utilisation. Our pocket-friendly prices act as icing on the cake and get us repeat customers all the time.


  • Stove top and range-hood cleaned
  • Oven Cleaned
  • Bench tops and backsplash cleaned
  • Cupboards cleaned inside and out
  • Exterior of appliances cleaned
  • Sink/s cleaned
  • Windows & tracks cleaned
  • Sills wiped down
  • Light switches/power points cleaned
  • Light fittings cleaned (where accessible & reasonably practical)
  • Tiles and fittings cleaned
  • Wall/s and skirting boards washed down
  • Clean door surfaces, frames and tracks
  • Floors vacuumed and mopped
  • Cobwebs removed

  • Mirrors cleaned
  • Windows & tracks cleaned
  • Sills wiped down
  • Fingerprints wiped from door frames
  • Carpets vacuumed (We do offer a Carpet Cleaning Service at an additional cost)
  • Non-carpeted floors vacuumed and mopped
  • Walls and skirting boards washed down
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Cupboards cleaned inside and out
  • All light switches/power points cleaned
  • Light fittings cleaned (where accessible & reasonably practical)
  • Blinds dusted
  • Clean door surfaces, frames and tracks

  • Bath cleaned & rinsed
  • Shower recess scrubbed, fittings and glass cleaned
  • Mold scrubbed
  • Basin and Vanity scrubbed
  • Toilets scrubbed and disinfected
  • Mirrors cleaned and polished
  • Window sills wiped down
  • Floors vacuumed and mopped
  • Exhaust fan cleaned
  • Light switches/power points cleaned
  • Light fittings cleaned
  • Tiles and fittings cleaned
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Walls and skirting boards washed
  • Fingerprints wiped from door frames
  • Cupboards cleaned inside and out
  • Windows & tracks cleaned & sills wiped down
  • Blinds dusted
  • Clean door surfaces, frames and tracks

  • Windows & tracks cleaned & sills wiped down
  • Floors vacuumed and mopped
  • Ceiling/exhaust fan cleaned
  • Light switches/power points cleaned
  • Light fittings cleaned
  • Tiles and fittings cleaned
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Walls and skirting boards washed
  • Fingerprints wiped from door frames
  • Cupboards cleaned inside and out
  • Blinds Dusted
  • Clean door surfaces, frames and tracks

  • Skirting boards wiped down
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Walls and skirting boards washed
  • Windows & tracks cleaned & sills wiped down
  • Light fittings cleaned (where accessible & reasonably practical)
  • Floors vacuumed and mopped
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Fingerprints wiped from door frames
  • Light switches/power points cleaned
  • Cupboards cleaned inside and out
  • Blinds dusted
  • Clean door surfaces, frames and tracks

  • General wipe over of cover including filters
  • Balcony/Deck
  • General sweep & Mop (If there is grease or oil marks from a BBQ you may consider having these areas pressure cleaned, Likewise if your balcony or deck is quite dirty)

General sweep & Mop (If there is grease or oil marks from a car you may consider having these areas pressure cleaned)

  • Walls washed down
  • Optional Extras (Additional Cost)
  • Carpet Steam Clean
  •  services
  • Upholstery or Rug Cleaning
  • External Pressure Cleaning Services (Patio/deck/driveway/house wash)

  • Carpet Steam Clean
  • Upholstery or Rug Cleaning
  • External Pressure Cleaning Services (Patio/deck/driveway/house wash)l

Bond Cleaning

What Is Not Covered?


Although we dust them down, we are not professional blind cleaners, thus any marks/stains or blemishes on them may require a professional blind clean dependent on your tenancy agreement and or property manager’s specific requirements (we do not currently offer a service to remove marks or stains)

Removal of stickers or removable hooks

We do not remove stickers or removable hooks from walls as there is a chance that we could damage your wall or paint work – If you specifically request us to remove these, we will not accept any liability resulting from such damage.

Removal or shifting of furniture

Our Melbourne bond cleaners are not trained in how to correctly lift furniture; therefor in the interests of safety and protection of your property we do not encourage our cleaners to lift or move furniture.

Ceiling cleaning

Unless you specifically request us to clean your ceiling/s we do not clean ceilings as part of a bond clean. Should you require your ceiling cleaned or specific area/s of your ceiling cleaned additional charges may apply dependent on the time needed to complete this task.

Tile & Grout Cleaning

Although our cleaners will manually scrub tiled areas as part of a bond clean, we do not specialize in tile and grout cleaning, thus a professional tile and grout clean may be warranted dependent on the condition of your tiles and or grout which is a service separate to that of our bond clean.

Why Choose Unify Cleaning Services?

We take great pride in providing the highest quality Carpet Cleaning service, end of lease cleaning services, Bond Cleaning, House Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning service in Melbourne, value our clients and put a lot of effort into fulfilling our commitments. We are the Top-rated Cleaning Company in Melbourne. Our “Bond Cleaning Services” and “House cleaning services” come with a 100% Bond Back Guarantee.

A 100% Bond Back Guarantee we are offering with both our house cleaning and bond cleaning services. You are important to us. We have what you require here. Your cleaning requirements we satisfy thanks to our customized cleaning service solutions.

Expert Cleaners

To ensure that we deliver the best cleaning services to our clients, we make sure that every one of our cleaners is well-trained and has a lot of experience.

Affordable Pricing

Providing the most affordable cleaning services is our goal. We use simplified cleaning procedures that are effective to keep your costs to a minimum. There is no need to search further if you’re looking for the end of lease cleaning Melbourne’s most reasonably priced cleaners.

On-time Service

We value the time you spend with us. Our cleaners would arrive on time, complete the task as planned.

100% Bond Back Guarantee

When you use our expert bond cleaning/exit cleaning service, we guarantee that you will receive 100% of your bond back.

Hassle-free Service

Our business and workers are fully approved by Australia Police. Also our business is insured for up to $20,000,000 so you can leave your cleaning job to us in peace of mind.

No Contracts

We have no reason to ask for your commitment because we’re confident that you’ll love the work we provide.

Exceptional Customer Service

We value you, our customer. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality customer service every time; our service is detailed, efficient and reliable.
